Please do some research. Immunizations are not linked to "regression," or autism. They simply do not cause these things.
Correlation does not equal causation.
Autism is GENETIC and the fact that the child regresses after the normal time they'd be due the MMR is simply coincidence. If your child is going to have a diagnosis of autism or another congentital issue, you can place blame on nothing more than your child's genes and/or inutero development. Nobody likes to hear that, but that's the truth.
That regression you're referring to occurs when autistic children usually regress....with NO immunizations.
Read here:
P.S. I spent 4 months last year researching autism and Asperger's. As the immunization/thermasol argument is common, it was the very first one I worked through. A little research will show that it's a myth that has been thoroughly debunked. Anyone who tells you that they are related is either misinformed, or a quack.
ETA: Also, by delaying in immunizing your child, whatever the immunization, if your child ends up contracting a disease, you are putting others at risk. I say this every flu season: Don't get the shot to protect yourself...because a healthy person can usually beat disease with no problem. Get it to protect the immunocompromised old lady or person going through chemotherapy who CAN'T beat the disease. Immunization stops the spread of those diseases and protects us ALL.