Hi, I have two girls who are 3 and 1 1/2. THey both have torticolis. The older one wasn't as bad as my younger. She pretty much corrected itself when she started walking and being more active. My younger one's is worse. We go to therapy every week for the muscles in her neck. She has a head tilt and her eyes are tilted inside her head which is another muscle problem. She has just been put in a brace for her neck to help strengthen the sideof her neck that is weak. It seams to be helping some. We are now mainly trying to focus on the eye muscles so she won't have to have surgery on them when she gets older. She is tolerating it all very well and nothing seems to bother her. All her motor skills are fine and she has good vision. I know there are more severe forms of torticolis out there and they are very painful so I am thankful that hers isn't the extreme. Some children have to wear helmets for it to round out their head among other things. I hope that everything goes well with your child and that he gets through it. If you need to talk or anything feel free to contact me!