Hi there-
I had great luck with OvuQuick.
I used it for both of my pregnancies, and it worked like a charm both times. It predicts your peak ovulation period, (meaning, the 48 hours that it is most optimal for you to become pregnant) So as long as you do not think you have any fertility issues, I would highly recommend this test. My sister-in-law used it (after trying on her own for seven months) and it worked for her the first time. Then my best friend used it (she had been trying for a year) and it worked for her the first time too. That's when I tried it... I was very sceptical (because I had suffered a miscarriage earlier) but it totally worked for me the first time. So then with my second pregnancy, I figured... what the heck.. might as well try and time this one the way I want too, and poof! it worked for me AGAIN! I was shocked!
I think the important thing to remember is that you need to be sure that you do not have any fertility problems. Another friend I recommended this to tried it, and it did not work. So she went to a fertility specialist and found out she had some other underlying issues. So it was a good thing that she found this out.
The test is a bit pricey... $30-$50 range, but I thought it was worth it. If you have pretty regular periods, the 6-day test might do the trick for you (which is cheaper). I used the 9-day test, because my cycles at that time ranged anywhere from 24-36 days, so I needed a bigger window in which to test. The timing is key to it all... well, that and a willing partner. :0)
Good luck!