I've had IC since I was 18 (10 year now.)
Here's the story...
I started getting chronic bladder infections when I became sexually active at 17. It got so bad that they put me on a prophylactic (antibiotic taken daily to prevent an infection,) which of course messed up my digestive tract and cause yeast infections. At one point in my life I basically either had a bladder infection or a yeast infection - it was awful.
Anyway, it got to the point where I would feel like I had a bladder infection all the time. So I went to see a urologist at Kaiser WC. They did all sorts of tests on me and couldn't figure out what my problem was. Actually the Dr. was a man and I got the impression he thought I was making it up. So to be honest I just learned to live with the pain.
Then 2 years later I was getting my nails done and started speaking to a NP (she worked in the same office that my other very unhelpful Dr worked in) that happened to be there. I described my symptoms and she said I had IC. She wrote me a prescription for Elmiron, which I took for 2 years. It is supposed to rebuild the bladder wall. But the a couple of years later, the symptoms came back.
That said I have 2 suggestions:
1. Acupuncture - start at the source. Rather than taking drugs, fix the real problem. Acupuncture redirects your energy to help your body heal what it needs to heal. I've had a lot of luck with this.
2. Figure out what the mind body connection is - Why is this happening to YOU? Our bodies manifest symptoms for a reason. This is your body's way of communicating w/ you. For instance, in Chinese Medicine the bladder is affected by fear. Is there something you are fearful of? Whenever I am feeling overly anxious my bladder seems to be more sensitive. To help you figure this out, I recommend reading "Woman's bodies Woman's Wisdom" by Christiane Northrup, MD. Its a great book, but the bladder section would be especially helpful for you to read - it was for me. I originally saw her on Oprah - she's fantastic.
3. I also recommend reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne - its kind of cheesy but it really helped me think more positively and thus my health has improved.
Hope this all helps. Good luck - I know you'll figure it out :)