I noticed a slight increase when I drank it at least 3x/day for several days. It really wasn't significant enough for me to continue, though. But, hopefully it will work for you.
My supply has really gone down and my d does not like formula. I am currently mixing what I have with formula and she doesn't seem to notice too much. She is eating more but she also wants to nurse. I have been using the tea for a week almost and have not gotten any increase. If you have used the tea, how long did it take to see an increase? I did try just the fenugreek and it made me bloated, crampy and gave me headaches. My daughter is 9 months and I am thrilled that I have gotten this far but hoping to finish out the year in March.
I noticed a slight increase when I drank it at least 3x/day for several days. It really wasn't significant enough for me to continue, though. But, hopefully it will work for you.
I started to have a hard time producing milk for my LO. I came across Healthy nursing tea and decided to try it.I am glad I did about a week I started to noticed a difference again. The taste isn't that great but I started to not notice after I had a few.
The tea is a very weak way to take the herb fenugreek and blessed thistle. You would have to drink TONS of the tea for it to have any effect, and even then your supply increase would probably be due to drinking the water more than the tea itself. If you don't want to take the fenugreek, the best way to increase your production is just to nurse more often....any time you are home with her make sure you nurse as often as possible and even pump inbetween. Drinking lots of water and eating whole grain oatmeal are said to help as well.
FWIW, my son is also 9, almost 10 months and my supply is also considerably less, I stay home with him and still nurse probably 5 sometimes 6 times a day. He really likes his solid food and it is the normal, natural way of weaning. Keep nursing and mixing formula for the bottles at least. I have heard that most nursing babies seem to prefer Good Start...that it tastes more like BM than other formulas.
Good luck! I did the full time working thing with my older son for 14 months and I struggled with supply off and on and had to take fenugreek to help it 3-4 times. There are also tinctures that should help but they have the herb in them as well
You'll have much better luck taking 3 tablespoons of flax oil a day. I breast fed both of my children until they were almost 2 yrs. old with no milk supply issues. The flax oil really did the trick. It will burn fat for you and help your babies brain development since its loaded with omega 3's.
Good luck! Keep up the good work!!!
I never had any luck with the mothers milk tea. I did have luck with a product called more milk plus. That was several years ago, and I got it from a lactation consultant, so I don't know where you could buy it? Here is the link to some on Amazon:
I did the tea, Mother's milk tincture, fenugreek. They all helped a little. I took up to 9 fenugeek a day. What helped the most was a prescription - Reglan. There are side effects like depression and anxiety, but I was lucky not to have any bad effects. I was on Reglan for 4 months and it definitely helped my supply.
I hired a lactation consultant when my supply dipped, she told me the tea is very weak and you have to drink a ton. I also tried fenugreek and while I had no side effects I felt that it caused gassiness and fussiness in my baby. I ended up renting a hospital grade pump (which was not very expensive) and did power pumping for a few days where I would pump every hour for 5 minutes or you can pump after every feeding for 10 minutes, it really helped.
Try calling a lactation consultant to see what you can do. All my russian relatives claim that drinking regular tea with condensed milk increases milk supply, but could be just old wives tale (like a lot of russian suff is :))
On another note, one of my friends gave me a box of the mothers milk tea, and i noticed it said on the box its not FDA approved. I didn't want to risk drinking something not FDA approved while breastfeeding.
Congrats on breastfeeding for this long! Take it easy... stress reduces milk supply too :-|
why do you think your supply has decreased?
At this time, she should be fine on what she gets from you and the foods that she is eating.
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