It took awhile for me to conceive my first when I was in my mid 30's. I was happy to find the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility (www.tcoyf.com) because I was able to see what was going on during my whole cycle. I no longer needed ovulation predictor kits to tell me when I was going to ovulate. I no longer needed pregnancy tests to tell me that I was pregnant (although I did use it to confirm I was pregnant). If I didn't ovulate that cycle, I knew. It really took a lot of stress and anxiety out of it for me. The best part was that I conceived on the 3rd cycle that I charted! I certainly can't guarantee those results for you, but you get what I'm saying. One other thing that was recommended to me was Evening Primrose Oil. I couldn't give you any scientific or medical info about it, but it does increase the quantity and quality of cervical fluid just before ovulation.
Hope that helps and good luck conceiving!