Any "Mile High" Club Members Out There?

Updated on June 15, 2012
A.G. asks from Houston, TX
19 answers

Not me! I've only taken commerical flights and I'm scared I'd get caught. I've been in puddle jumpers but still there is NO are right behind the pilot! lol

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answers from Redding on

Unfortunately I never got that particular opportunity back in my glory days.
I did do it under train track bridge once while the train was going over tho, is there a name for that?
That's my contribution to TMI for today ;)

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answers from Los Angeles on

Not unless it was my own personal aircraft, and then probably not even then because I'm all about comfort at this point in my life. And commercial planes are filthy. Don't even get me started on the bathrooms.

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answers from San Francisco on

Nope, the smell of that blue stuff they use in the toilets makes my stomach turn. Not sexy!

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answers from Los Angeles on

No! Eww... and just something to ponder for anyone who thinks about having sex on planes, the last time I flew on one of the major airlines (not even a budget one lol), I got the pleasure of seeing what a real maggot looks like in real life. Before that I had only seen what they look like in pictures, yep, seriously, it was a real maggot crawling on the seat in front of me. disgusting i know.

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answers from Washington DC on

Does doing it in Denver count? If so. Yes.

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answers from Denver on

only because i live in the mile high city :) (does that count)

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answers from Kansas City on

I refuse to have sex in a public bathroom, period. While I'm not a germaphobe, I'm close to it and there is nothing more un-sexy to me than doing it in a filthy public place such as a toilet stall.

Seriously, what am I missing that I find this so unattractive???

However, private jet... hmmmm... maybe!

What a fun post! Happy Thursday, ladies and gents! Bring on the weekend!

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answers from Dallas on

No. Besides the thought of that doing nothing for me, I am WAY too fearful of flying. I could never relax enough to even consider it. Like I said, public places and getting caught does nothing for me. A little to weirdo for my taste!!

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answers from San Francisco on

That is such a so 60's question! Since you didn't join the club...why do you ask?

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answers from San Francisco on

I am 6' tall, and my husband is not only taller than me, but he is built like a linebacker. I have no idea how both of us would fit in one of those airplane bathrooms! LOL

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answers from Detroit on

Ewww Yuck! Not to the sex part but to the sex in the bathroom part.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Lol! EVERY time I'm in an airplane bathroom, I look around and think " would we...where would we if I stood this way and, that wouldn't would would we get past the line outside without looking like crazy people...could we even FIT two people in here?" Since I've never figured out how it would be physically possible to accomplish (much less comfortably and germ-less-ly), I've never done it.

Unless, like Cheryl O. said, you mean in Denver...

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answers from Los Angeles on

The mountains in Southern California are over 7,000 feet, so there are lots of mile-high clubbers here.

It seems to me I saw a groupon for a plane flight for those that thought they might want to do that.

Thanks for the interesting question.

Good luck to you and yours.

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answers from Missoula on

Lol. I had a hard time having sex in my own bed when my roommate (who's bedroom was upstairs, on the other side of the house...) was home... NO WAY am I gonna be able to do it in a tiny airplane bathroom with all those people right there... I'm just too self conscious. I would be standing there the whole time, thinking "I wonder if they can hear us... I wonder if anyone is waiting to get in... I hope no one noticed that we both came in the same bathroom... I really hope no one notices when we come out!"

Lol. I guess I'm just too uptight about that. :P

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answers from Savannah on

YES! That's funny. Almost 10 years ago, I chartered a mile high flight in New Orleans for my now husband. We had champagne, chocolates, a private flight. It was a fun surprise and scored me some points in the creativity department. I wouldn't want to do that in a public plane full of a bunch of people in a tiny bathroom with others waiting to get in, after someone just left....(*GAG). But the way we did it, that was awesome. And a laugh. I don't know if they do those flights anymore, but it was cool and impressed him.

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answers from Seattle on

Sure... But it wasn't on a commercial jet.

Seriously, they designed the newer ones to prevent sex.

I live in Boeing land and know a few engineers who worked on the 747, 737, and 727.

It. Was. Actually. A. Consideration.

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answers from Dallas on

Nope, hubby's barrel chested and that would just not work in an airplane bathroom. Also, we have a 5 year old, so I don't think that would help much time-wise.



answers from New York on

Haven't read your answers and I don't fly much at all, but I just want to say that my big butt can barely fit in those tiny bathrooms. I can't imagine having another person in there with me AND be able to maneuver in a way that would accomplish ANY act of that nature. Seriously how do even normal sized people do that??


answers from Minneapolis on

Hello no. My 14 month old and I barely fit into the bathroom for diaper changes. I think anyone who claims they have done it on an airplane in the last 10-15 years is just lying, or they are contortionists.

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