I am due on March 12th or 13th depending on when the doctor wants to do the C-Section, you can always write me and this is my fourth child. ____@____.com
I was wandering if there was anyone else due in march like me. I am due march 26th with my 3rd child.... I am very excited. I am having another girl.
I am due on March 12th or 13th depending on when the doctor wants to do the C-Section, you can always write me and this is my fourth child. ____@____.com
I Have two kids born in March both on the same day 4 years apart. March is a great month for babies. Congrats. Oh and My daughters middle name is Lilly as well Great pick.Cindy
I am due on April 17th with my third child....but this is it for us :)
This time its suppose to be a boy, so nice change for us since we already have 2 girls
I'm due 2-23-07. However right now we are just trying to hold on until 2-13-07.
I am not due until July, but I found a really great website. It is called babyfit.com. Its a little like this one but is predominately pregnant woman. Not only can you talk with other pregnant women, you can do searches for women like you, such as military wives, canadian or french women things like that, you can also search by due date month. The website also gives you meal plans and you can track all of your food intake to make sure you are getting everything you need from food. It also gives you really great excercise ideas. I just found it and started using it but so far I love it!!
I'm also a march due date. Mine is march 16th, and also a girl. Good luck i think that we both need it