St. John's Wort works great for me. If you are in Wisconsin I know a wonderful woman who is a Doctor of Holistic Medicine. I wouls be happy to pass on her infomation in a private email.
I have just recently went off my effexor it did work for me but I do not want to pay the 400 it was costing me a year.
So I would like to try something herbal. I am shorter with my kids and have less energy, I don't want to pay a fortune for herbal stuff either, but I do need to do something for them and myself.
Thanks so much, G.
St. John's Wort works great for me. If you are in Wisconsin I know a wonderful woman who is a Doctor of Holistic Medicine. I wouls be happy to pass on her infomation in a private email.
Prozac at Walmart sounds like the cheapest. But the strongest herbal remedy I have tried is Kava Kava. That is way more effective than St. John's Wort. You can get Kava Kava tea, but I don't know how effective that is. Herbal remedies are still going to be expensive, however, they don't need to be taken daily to be effective. Just take them when you need them.
Hi Gina, I see you have all kinds of advise already but here goes, Im the mood swing queen lol, whenever I feel bad in my moods I will drink a cup of Chai tea you can get that in just about any gas station coffee center. It really makes me feel happier when im down. Its a simple remedy I know. Another thing that helps me is If i know Im getting PMS to take prozac a few days before and Im much better then too, other then taking it on a reg basis.
I'm sure you'll get lots of advice....I run a nutraceutical company and have several ideas for you.
One possible product would be "Bliss" it is all natural and herbal...it's $35.00 for 30 tablets, recc dose is 1-2 tablets.
For more energy I would reccommend a good multi vitamin (if not on one) ours are powder mix with water 95% absorbed in 5 minutes.
Our OPC-3 is a great super-antioxidant combo.
Our Transitions line teaches you to eat better for more constant energy.
You can check it all out on my website: www.marketamerica.com/livewellvet
look in the bottom left corner...you can take a free "nutri-Physical" answers are confidential and you'll get good recommendations on where to start. Thanks
you can email me at ____@____.com
My counselor at one point told me to take fish oil it helps level out mood, they have done studies on it.
Hi Gina-
B. Jarmoluk here.
It sort of depends on what mood swings you're having.
We have tang quei for menstral moods.
We have relax now for anxiety type moods and evenness.
We have Herbalifeline- something everyone should take- omega 3 fatty acid. You preg. depletes you of that- mom brain, ppdepression and things like that can manifest from lack of it- and it's important for cell, body energy and all around organ health- brain, heart. It takes 3 years to replenish without supplements. You get it naturally in wild seafood- krill (our trishield) and cold water - not farmed if possible- salmon etc.
If you want to know more, email me at ____@____.com
About me- 48yo med prof, wellness coach, and mom to next week 7 yo twin girls
B. J
This doesn't totally answer your question, but are you taking any fish oil? I have found that has helped my hormone levels quite a bit and it's a simple thing to start with.
Hi Gina,
Something you might consider is Mona Vie, and organic Acai/superfruit juice. I've got some great testimonials of it working wonders on mood/energy/sleep issues. If you are interested to learn more, by all means, give me a call. I can talk you through what I've learned, no obligation. ###-###-####
I am a distributor for Mona Vie--you can also see more on my website at www.mymonavie.com/JenEsnough
I was a consumer well before deciding to be a distributor, and only chose to do so after seeing a lot of pretty amazing results first hand within our family. We've found it well worth the cost--and organic can't be beat!
Jen Esnough
If you are talking abour mood swings and irritability, try St. Johns Wort.
Gina - Herbal or natural choices are a great substitute to pharmaceuticals. Whiles they can't replace every prescription drug, they can certainly help. I know many people who have less mood swings and more energy when they are taking a high quality, pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplement. Magnesium is one of the really important minerals that help adjust our moods and many other functions in our body.
When looking for alternatives, be sure you know where they are manufactured and how bioavailable they are. Purchasing a supplement in the grocery store may not make any difference because they contain so little of what our body needs today.
The positive side to supplementation is that there are no side affects. Every prescription drug comes with side affects.
Chiropractor care can help with these issues too. For a referral, contact me.
A vitamin B complex can help with energy.
I have struggled with chronic depression and tried a whole bunch of natural remedies before I got fed up with it and turned to meds. I have found that prescription meds work much better for me and it was important enough for me that I chose to pay for them out of pocket when I didn't have health insurance. If you think 400 a year is bad, try 250-300 a month!
Good natural remedies can be just as, if not more expensive than prescription meds. Often you need to take more than just one supplement, so it ends up meaning buying several bottles of stuff each month. When you're taking vitamins, st. john's wort, fish oil, and kava kava or chamomile, it adds up fast, and might not even end up being as effective as a prescription. So you might want to really take a look at your priorities. How much is you and your kids' well being worth?
talk to your dr.im sure they can give you proper advice on whats best for you.
Hi Gina!
It appears that you have LOTS of opinions already. Here's mine :)
I went off of Prozac for many reasons.
I take RHODIOLA (herb) and/ or SERENITY FORMULA (ashwaghanda, Eleurethro Ginseng, Lavender, Rhodiola). It HELPS a ton with my mood swings.
Hope this helps!
G. H.
Try SAMe (pronounced "sam-ee"). They prescribe it in Europe more than pharmacutical antidepressants with better results. Last winter I tried two different antidepressants. Neither worked and practically incapacitated me for a time. Then I tried SAMe and it's been great. I get mine wholesale through a Frontier Coop. The brand I use is FoodScience Laboratories Anxiety, Stress & Sleep Support SAMe 200 mg 60 tablets. I often get it at 25% off which equals $27.60 for a one-month supply. Right now, I'm seeing on Frontier that the special pricing isn't in effect and it's $39.00. Expensive, but well worth it, IMO. You can Google "SAMe depression" for a plethora of articles on it. I also take extra B12, B6 and TMG - Trimethylglycine supplements because it's recommended while taking SAMe. Check out vitacost.com for really reasonably priced supplements. Just watch the brands for SAMe. I've read articles where if it isn't made or stored right, it's not effective. I haven't tried different brands simply because the one I'm on works great. I take a 200mg pill in the morning and at night.
I don't have any herbal remedies for you, but I did want to mention that I too had to go off effexor because of the cost. I went back to Prozac, which is on Wal-mart pharmacy's $4 prescription list. Only spending $4 a month, I can afford to do other remedies in addition- like a yoga class and getting yoga videos- or getting a babysitter once in a while to save my sanity. Just thought I'd mention Prozac, since it would likely be cheaper than the herbal stuff.
Hi Gina,
I see many references to St. John's Wart and some for B vitamins. Here's my take through proven methods with my own family.
!. Take a balanced multivitamin and mineral with a proven delivery system. The proof needs to be verified from an outside reputable source - not just from the company. Also, know the manufacturer, not the just mass marketer!
2. Take an herbal remedy called Luminex. It has both St. John's Wart and vitamin B12, plus griffonia seed and folate. This is a pantented formula - that's important. You can purchase at wholesale.
3. Eat good foods and Excercise - walking counts!!
4. Drink herbal tea. It is very soothing and calming.
5. Detoxify your home. 99% of stuff we use everyday is not safe. (Dawn dishsoap is 51% formeldehyde - yuk!)
I can help you set up a wholesale account to shop for these products. The only reason I tried this company was because of their 90 day guarantee on their vitamin and mineral. Don't let others fool you - there is only one company out there that has a patent on absorption - Melaleuca. The form of the mineral doesn't matter (pill, powder or liquid) it is how it is pre-bound with oligofructose and natural substances like amino acids that prove absorption and free radical regeneration protection.
This company gave me back my husband!! Now I'm committed to helping others.
Information is powerful - I don't sell - I only inform.
I thought you should at least have this information. Much more available.
Take care,
Have you tired St John's wort?
I have read many testimonies on how Arbonne prolief or phytoprolief natural balancing cream helps with a long list of symptoms that effect women and sometimes men.
Go to www.arbonne.com and read under testimonies. I have a couple of clients that use it for hotflashes/night sweats and one to help get pregnant. Shortens and lessens pains of periods, regulates moods, etc.
Research Dr. John Lee, MD (Natural Progesterone: The Multiple Roles of a Remarkable Hormone) or Kristine Klitzke, R.N., B.S.N (Hormone Balance: A Matter of Life and Health). 15 reasons to use progesterone cream pamphlet call 1-800-494-4659 or go to www.soundconcepts.com.
If you want more help with ordering Arbonne at a 35% discount please contact me. I hope you find something that helps your moods and gives you peace.
I just started using 5-HTP. (5 hydroxytryptophan). It is suppose to be good for depression, anxiety, weight loss, headaches and sleep. I was on welbutrin but wanted somehting more natural. I am a chiropractor and now sell this product at my office if you need more info just email me! Good luck!!
You might find Ginkgo and St. John's Wort helpful. I don't know if you feel your moodiness is tied in with your menstrual cycle, but I have found Evening Primrose Oil eases my PMS symptoms and lessens my cramps. Chamomile tea relaxes me, so much so that I can't drink it during the day! Peppermint is calming to bathe in, and to smell.
Not an herbal remedy, but consider meditating, even if for 5 minutes a day.
If you feel your mood is affected by less daylight in the autumn and winter, look into a light box. They are a couple of hundred dollars, but once you pay for it, it is good forever. Also, you may be able to get a prescription for one--check with your doctor.
I have been treated for clinical depression in the past, and I feel I am predisposed to it. I have to tell you, cleaning up my diet and getting enough sleep goes a long way. Sugar and caffeine affect my moods; I can tell when I overdo it in a day, and I pay for it. I feel great the days I make a concerted effort to eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
I would also like to recommend 2 books: Prescription for Herbal Healing, and Prescription for Nutritive Healing, both by Phyllis Balch. You should be able to get both at your library.
Good luck!
St John Wart can help with depression. Some poele shouldn't take it. Check with you doctor.
Kava Kava is one that is suggested for taking the edge off. Do you know how to do muscle testing? I would highly recommend you utilize that to pick a supplement, that way you'll have good insight on which one will work best for you. And you will not waste money on those that probably wouldn't agree with your system.
What do you 'do' for yourself? As far as allowing yourself time to 'unwind' or recharge?
A bath or a shower or short walk in nature can do WONDERS!
What activities bring you a renewed, refreshed feeling?
What brings you the most joy?
>>Muscle testing is a valuable tool for accessing the body's innate intelligence to determine the strengthening and weakening effects of thoughts, statements, places, people, objects, foods, etc., on the body's energy system. Using muscle testing we can assess if something energetically strengthens us or weakens us. If it weakens us and we can discover the issues for the weakness we can correct them.<<
St Johns Wort is supposed to work well for this, but I have never tried it personally.
I myself have used St. Johns Wort, I thought it worked very well but I mostly used it to get over a bit of the blues and blahs. I dont know how it will help with the shortness with your kids. I dont want to sound like I'm giving unwanted advice as I'm sure you have done most things to help you but.. Try to get out and exercise a couple of times a week if nothing else than just a walk for a half an hour, make sure you eat right (nutrition plays a very big part in your mood) go out and have fun from time to time to blow off some steam. Maybe you can find a babysitter for an overnight get away with your gentlemen (even if it's just a local hotel room the change of scenery may help). I have heard that you can take some vitamins and that may give you a boost.
Just to let you know as far as I understood you are not supposed to be taking St. Johns Wort should not be taken with any birth control pills or hormonal birth control. Be careful if you have any cardiovascular problems or have had any past problems with clotting. It goes with all herbal and so called natural remedies that you have to know what the side effects are. Most medications natural or not will have something you have to watch out for. Always mention these medications when you speak to a doctor cause it can effect the potency of other medications or have interactions with them. I am living in Sweden right now and I know that St. Johns Wort is accepted by the Swedish Medical Association, there are a few herbal remedies that really do work well and has been proven in medical tests. Talk to your doctor there and see if they have any suggestions as well. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.
Have you tried 5HTP? It's available over the counter at Walgreens (maybe Target too, but I haven't checked). It's a mood enhancer that boosts levels of sarotonin.
Exercise! Most doctors don't even bother mentioning it as a way to boost your mood and treat depression because they figure patients just won't bother with it. Your insurance company may even offer a discount on a gym membership if you go a minimum number of times each month. Maybe you could try enrolling your girls in a swim class or have the three of you go together. It should be at least three times a week that you go and do something....walking, swimming, anything. But it's going to help you a great deal more than any chemical you take.
Actually, i don't, but I want to see if anyone writes you back cause that's a great question. I would love something to help me face my 3 with a better outlook. I will tell you that when I get upset, I try to remember to stop and pray before I talk. It does help. The problem is I usually jump right in with the yelling, and think later.
Just to let you know, I've tried both meds and more natural methods. I spent WAY more money on the later with significantly less benefit. If you have something that works for you, and only costs $400 a year, you may want to rethink going off of it.
Have you tried St. John's Wort?
Have you tried taking just a vitamin like One-a Day Energy??