Hey JB!
As you know, one of my daughters has some challenges. We are currently working with her speech teacher (and by extension, the 'assistive technology' folks in the state) for a customized program for an I pad to assist with her expressive language issues.
There should be an office like that in your state. I cannot speak to the programs you are talking about specifically, but I do know the one that we ultimately decided on for my daughter was pricey. I had to FIGHT for her to get it...and once it is refined, I will get her an I pad for use here at home, and hopefully be able to download it.
It was a bit of a battle to get it in place for her, but I think it has been worth the fight (limited resources...lots of hoops to jump through etc).
I do not know if my answer has helped. I wish you all the best in finding what will work in assisting your son be all he can be!
(God, I sound like an Army ad from a few years ago!!!)