She is still pretty young. At this age, she should have about 10 words. Be consistant and use the same words for what she wants. Like instead of responding to pulling, make her say Go or Come. But always use the same word. A lot of SAHMs experience this because sometimes we are too quick to attend to our toddlers needs. Let her come get you and even if you see she needs your help or wants something, make her say the word. Do not push her to the point of a meltdown, I would do it until you start hearing her get anxious, then model the word a few times and she if she responds. Then give in. She will learn all that fuss is over nothing and soon say what she wants. Also, I agree with Martha. Why not call Early Intervention and get a free evaluation? You don't have to tell anyone and if they say she is fine then you have nothing to worry about. They can even give you tips to help her talk. Also, one word about sign language. I think its really good for babies or those who have a nuerological issue that makes it hard to form words. But studies have shown that is does not speed up language. It doesn't slow it down, but it does not speed it up. It can help children that get very frustrated and tantrum but your daughter is at the age where she can form basic words. I would focus on a small concentrated vocab of words like Go, Yes, More, No, Get, Come, That, ect.