My son too, suffered from ear infections every time he got a cold. What I did was request a referral to an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. By doing this we found out my son had allergies that usually triggered the cold symptoms and eventually the ear infections. So, by treating the allergies we have avoided any issues with infections.
We were told previously at Urgent Cares and the ER that he would need tubes eventually and I was thankful when the ENT told us that this surgery is not usually necessary and not always helpful. He said many times it was better and more effective to remove tonsils/adenoids rather than to tube ears.
But, one of the amazing things I found out was Hyland's makes an ear infection drop that eased all pain and discomfort long enough for my son to heal without antibiotics.
check out this link for some helpful suggestions...
Also, no matter what I've always stuck with the 3-day rule. If the symptoms last longer than 3-days then I enlist the help of the doctor.