I had an anterior placenta with #2... didn't have much of the cool movement on the front of belly but plenty from the side. Don't borrow trouble or stress... if the ultrasound says everything is ok and the heart beat is strong - then it's ok!!
I am 22 weeks pregnant with my second baby and again I have an anterior placenta. While I have been feeling movement it is nothing like it was with my first. I definitely felt it sooner with this baby because I knew what to expect this time around but this time I feel it way less than I did with my first. I know that technically you shouldnt feel the baby move on a schedule until closer to 28 weeks (when you should start kick counts) but at 22 weeks with my first and an anterior placenta I swear myself and everyone else around could see and feel her wiggling around in there. Has anyone else experienced this before? When I went for my 20 week ultrasound the tech said that she was squrming around like crazy so she is def. moving about but I just cant seem to notice it as much. And I thought for a while that it might just be because I am so busy in the day but even when I lay still and quiet I have a hard time feeling it like I did with my first
I had an anterior placenta with #2... didn't have much of the cool movement on the front of belly but plenty from the side. Don't borrow trouble or stress... if the ultrasound says everything is ok and the heart beat is strong - then it's ok!!
My first definitely moved much more than my second. My second moved, but you could not see it from accross the room like you could with my first.
I had an anterior placenta with my second pregnancy and I felt so bad for myself because I could hardly ever feel my baby move. :( I felt EVERYTHING with my first pregnancy--which was fun and reassuring! But with the second, I didn't even feel pregnant, just big. It was so weird!! I know exactly how you feel.
I had an anterior placenta with my second. I did feel her move quite a bit but it was definitely easier to feel the movement later in the pregnancy. You will probably feel more movement later when the kicks are stronger. I could see/feel the placenta (maybe it was an artery, I'm not sure) pulsating which was strange and made be look like an alien. My baby had the hiccups frequently and I could feel those regardless of where the placenta was.
My first was a soccer player. My second really didnt move much at all. I was always calling the doctor. They had detected a bubble in her brain at her first ultrasound but then after 4 more they said ti was just the Ultrasound picking up interference. So I was in that ultra sound place constantly. They also said I had HBP and borderline diabetes so they made me do bi-weekly ultra sounds and at everyone she was as active and wild. I just didnt feel her, I was carrying her much higher up almost under my ribcage. She was always down in my lower left of the uterus. When she did kick hard It felt like she was kicking my spine and kidneys. She was fine, but they thought when she was born she had positional molding, her face was distorted. Come to find out she had Craniostynosis, which is a fusion of one or more sutures in the skull. They still cant tell me if it was cause she was stuck down in the lower left, they can cant tell me ANYTHING about it cause they dont know what causes it. Shes fine now. My third was a crazy man from 17 weeks till birth. people would see him kick my whole belly just moved and jerked with him.
My son didn't move much during the day - my moving around seemed to rock him to sleep.
But at night when I was sleeping, he was kicking Dad out of bed.
I had no idea what was going on till I heard a thud when my husband fell out and hit the floor.
He thought I was nudging him over but I was sound asleep and my belly was doing all the nudging.