It sound too me like she is ready to start down the potty training road. I would buy a potty seat and maybe some books. read them to her and try sitting her on the potty about 20 minutes after each meal or snack. Don't make a big deal out of accidents... only give praise- not criticism. After she seems to have a pretty high success rate... get CLOTH training underwear. Pull ups really blocked my daughter potty training because to them they don't ever feel 'wet' And I don't think kids usually understand that pullups are not a diaper. Sure- you will have a lot of accidents at first... so always keep an extra pair of pants and underwear on hand.
Other than that... be patient... My daughter pee-trained before she was 2, but it took her until after she was 2 1/2 to be poop-trained. At three she is 100% potty trained, but I still have to remind her to go when she starts doing the "squirm"- or gets the dreaded "blank face". I think that our biggest hold-backs were pull ups, having a new baby in the middle of potty training (oops), and getting angry or frustrated with her. (It is really hard not to get upset after you have a bunch of accidents, or when they have one 2 minutes after you take the to the potty - but it is ESSENTIAL that you don't). Our successes... switching to underwear. focusing on just praise, and a potty chart!
anyways, Good Luck!