Another Photography Studio Question

Updated on June 07, 2011
T.M. asks from Tampa, FL
6 answers

Here we go again. I called the photography studio yesterday (see previous post) and asked them what I could do to have a better experience next time. They offered to reshoot the photos, which was not necessary. They had convinced me to sign up for their 1-year portrait club at the sitting. They indicated that I could next time request a "portrait club member" appointment before they even opened. GREAT! I was planning on doing this. However, today I got a form email from this studio (2 DAYS AFTER I SIGNED UP FOR THEIR PORTRAIT CLUB) letting me know that this location would be closing shortly. I checked the website and the only other 2 locations for this studio in Florida are about 2 and 4 hours away respectively. So, using the benefits of this club are just not going to be possible. AND now they are saying that frames are now 75% off, high resolution CDs are 50% off, and prints are 50% off. Needless to say, I am PISSED. They had to know they were closing 2 days ago when they got me to sign up for this portrait club. Bottom line is that I cannot use it with this location closing. I will be calling tomorrow to ask them to at least refund my money for the portrait club. Am I being reasonable here?

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More Answers


answers from Los Angeles on

Yes, asking for a refund for the portrait club is reasonable. Also ask for a price adjustment on previous purchases.

But, as far as them knowing their location was going to be closing, corporate may not have informed the actual store prior to your signing the contract. It happens frequently where the employees are as stunned as the customers.

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answers from Kansas City on

Yes, ask for a refund. I'm sure they'll give it to you without a lot of flack...I would hope so at least! While you're at it, see if you can get some of your money back for the other things you bought if they included frames, CDs, etc. This is ridiculous! I know that Gap always gives you the sale price within 2 weeks of your purchase, so maybe you can appeal to them this way! ;)

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answers from San Francisco on

Yes, and if you charged it on a credit card, call the credit card company and put the charge in dispute.



answers from Milwaukee on

Wow, you can't catch a break. Call for a refund.



answers from Seattle on

Definitely NOT being unreasonable! You wanted to use their services and their club benefits but how is that possible if they dont even have a location staying where you are?

I would be upset too, and its ridiculous that they did that to you.

I would be calling for a refund and tell them how upset you are about it. Dont take a no for an answer!!! They at the very least, owe you your money back.



answers from Cleveland on

WOW, no wonder they are going out of business at that location. I'm willing to give them a small percentage of benefit of the doubt (wow and i tired does that make sense) they might not have actually known, exactly when for sure they were closing or which location it was actually going to be. BUT there is No way in heck you should have to pay for services you aren't using, So definately ask for a refund!!! and don't be afraid to go corporate on them in the local people aren't accomadating.

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