I would say you need to take a good look at your nutrition and lifestyle habits and work toward making some big improvements before getting pregnant again. Asthma is a sign of dehydration. So you can greatly improve your condition by eliminating all other beverages and drinking a *minimum* of 64oz of plain filtered tap water between meals every day. Buy a water bottle that has ounces marked on the side so you can be certain you are getting enough. You should also eliminate dairy products gradually if you are currently consuming them.
As for the hypoglycemia, I am going to assume that you were eating a lot of processed foods and refined carbs for a long period of time. If you switch to a plant based diet with a wide variety of fruits and veggies, and eat 6 small meals (as your doctor probably advised) you will feel better and have more energy. I also recommend Juice Plus, a whole foods fruits and veggies concentrate in capsule, chewable, or gummie form to help get more raw fruits and veggies in your diet and achieve a better level of health quickly. Send me a private message for more info.
Besides drinking more water and eating more fresh fruits and veggies, I would say make exercise a daily priority. Aim for 30 to 45 minutes at least 4 days a week. If you're looking for a workout that will get your muscles, heart, and spirit in shape, try Ashtanga Yoga or Power Yoga at a local gym or yoga studio like Full Circle Yoga in Winter Park.