I didn't tell anyone until after birth (except my husband totally blew that out of the water this last time). I couldn't stand people rubbing and patting my belly saying 'OOOOOH, LITTLE ROOOOMAN, AWWW, ARE YOU KICKING ROMAN? ARE YOU SLEEPING?!'..... Ugh.
I love the name Pearl! Very classic :) Even if you fall in love with a name, you will probably change it a few times (or even come back to it), or change your mind when you see the baby ('She looks like a 'Kate' instead')
My parents never found out the sex of me when I was in utero. They joked all the time that no matter what, they were namingthe baby 'Klondike' after 'great uncle Klondike' (who doesn't exist, LOL!!) Someone made them a baby shirt that says 'call me Klondike'... Now, MY kids wear it :)