I am not going to assume you are low income, just someone trying to cut costs like you stated. That is wise in today's economy. In ANY economy, really! Why pay more when you don't have to?!
((Just FYI: WIC is only for low income Women, Infants, and Children to age 5 and you receive monthly food 'checks' for specific items, not a debit card. The debit card (SNAP) is for food stamps, and is also income-based. ANYONE can get Angel Foods, not just people with low income.))
Do you belong to a church? If you are interested in Angel Food Ministries, then why not see if they will become a host site? Maybe you could be the contact person. Their website has the details and forms for this.
Wait....I just went to the website and there are 18 host sites in Houston, plus 46 more within 50 miles of Houston. Could one possibly be in a town close to you? Check here: http://bit.ly/9aF32c :)