Well sounds like you and your husband need to have a conversation tonight about how these things are going to go down in the future.
He gave her permission, so do not let her tear the 2 of you apart on this. Let him know what you thought the rules were and that you feel like she is manipulating the 2 of you.
Then listen to what he has to say about what he thinks the rules for going out should be.
She is a straight A student and has never had these experiences before.
She is testing you. She actually sounds very mature and responsible. Do not go overboard when you deal with her. Instead explain why you have your rules and where they came from. Then listen to what she has to say about calling her dad after you had already told her no.
The secret is to keep the conversations open. To listen to each other.
We have ideas about we are going to raise our children and what the rules are, but sometimes, we forget to explain why. She is a junior in high School, in 2 years at this time she will be away at college. She needs to have experience with taking responsibility with her choices. She needs to know the reasons for the rules and what the concerns are. She sounds so mature, maybe she can handle a few dates. This way you can monitor their activities.
Example. You are a junior but you are only 15.
I do not feel like we know this young man well enough.
I know he has had some accidents.
This game was out of town, If something happened, it would take us a long time to get to you.
The road is a bit difficult and even experienced drivers can have trouble driving it.
You get the idea..
The main thing is to remind her, the most important job for her right now is school work. If her grades start being affected by this friendship, it will cause you and your husband to have to limit the amount of time she can go out.
I am sending you strength.. Kind of nice to have a quiet evening aloe with your husband..