Welcome to mamapedia, A.
You had a false positive test. It happens. If a result shows up PAST the two minute mark? It's a FALSE reading. The tests you conducted after? You had a hormone surge. It happens.
The blood test is definitive. It was negative you are not and were NOT pregnant.
Please stop torturing yourself. I've had three miscarriages, 12, 22 and 16 weeks. You can drive yourself crazy with "what if" and "was I"? STOP. Let go of those tests you THOUGHT were positive. Stop stressing out over this.
Wait a few months before you have unprotected sex again - give your body a chance to get normal again. Then start having unprotected sex again. DO NOT stress your body out by "trying" to get pregnant. Just have fun and enjoy having sex with your husband. NO PRESSURE.
Please let go of what was not. You weren't pregnant. Quit stressing over it. Move on. Move forward. I know this sounds harsh. I can tell you I've experienced what you are going through. You are going to make yourself mad if you keep harping on it. STOP.
All the best!