Since you are on the computer try putting in a search for Tics+Homeopathic remedies. You will get a lot of info but it is a trail and error. I remember something about the juice and rind of citrus fruits not being kind to bugs
Good Luck
My son is very alergic (we found out this weekend) to frontline flea and tick. I am wondering if anyone uses any homopathic remedies for their dogs instead of chemicals like frontline. We spent saturday in the hospital with hives and breathing problems. HE is okay now we just need to find some alternatives.
Since you are on the computer try putting in a search for Tics+Homeopathic remedies. You will get a lot of info but it is a trail and error. I remember something about the juice and rind of citrus fruits not being kind to bugs
Good Luck
I would talk to your vet
That sounds very upseting. While I don't have any ideas for you I am interested to hear more about your experience as I have an allergic son and a dog on Frontline.
How did you know and did the doctors confirm that it was that product?
Sold at Walmart Nature's Guardian Sergeant's makes it.
Go to Onlynaturalpetstore.com. I have gotten some great products from there. My dog uses the garlic tablets and the flea and tick spray (only natural pet store brand). Good luck!
The Natural Pet Market sells all natural products for repelling fleas and ticks. When I had a dog, I used their flea collars. They work great, but smell pretty strong. They also sell sprays, powders, and treats. There is a Natural Pet Market in Wheaton and they are online at www.naturalpetmarket.com
I am allergic to all chemical flee treatments. When I was younger, my mom used to wash the dog three times a week with flee shampoo. After a month or so, we didn't have any problems. I don't know if this helps but that is what she used to do.
Hi H.!
We actually use a household cleaner as a flea remedy. We use Shaklee's Basic H2 as a bath wash. H2 makes water "wetter" and cleans them right off, if anything were to be hanging around. I know, it sounds weird, but there are a million uses for Shaklee's product! :-) I also searched around and found that giving your dog garlic tablets (again, we use Shaklee) on a regular basis, provides a barrier on the skin and prevents anything from living there (or just hanging out).
We have had dogs for years and have never had any issues with fleas or heartworms.
If you would like more information on Shaklee, let me know. They were actually featured on Oprah for her Earth Day special last month.
I am all too familiar with kids with allergies. My oldest son has really bad allergies and we have really been able to eliminate all toxins from our home!
Best of Luck!