Here's what worked for me with my 27 m/o recently -- I re-worked our morning routine. Now, he gets up, I lay out two outfit choices on the couch and he may choose either one. I let him know what's for breakfast and prepare it and show it to him, but tell him he can't come to the table and eat until he's dressed. It has worked like a charm. I used to feed him, then have the get-dressed battle, making us both late every morning in the interest of not sending him to school with food all over, however, a few drops of syrup or egg on his shirt are nothing compared to a tantrum-free morning. Because he's naturally hungry in the morning, he gets dressed gladly so he can eat. The mornings he dawdles, I point out that 1.) breakfast is getting cold and 2.) he can't watch Hi-5 or Big, Big World until he's dressed and 3.) he may run out of time to eat if he doesn't cooperate and be hungry all morning (not really because they are pretty generous with snacks at Montessori school, but he doesn't put that together yet.) This combination of factors has been working for several weeks now and Monday, when I accidentally forgot to dress him before breakfast, he still cooperated afterwards because the morning get-dressed tantrum is no longer part of our morning routine these days. That and I praise him like crazy when he cooperates by getting dressed. He loves that. :) Hope this helps. I know how stressful the morning battles can be.