If you are warding off the symptoms... as in itchy eye, redness... you can use ”Alcon Naphcon A”.
BUT.... BUT... BUT... if the yellowish oozing from the eye has started... get to the doctor as quick as you can drive the car there even if it means going to a minor emergency center. Don't mess around, and DON'T let it get to the other eye. Wash hands frequently and cover the eye with a cold compress (wash cloth with ice or bag of frozen peas works well).
I'd also give some sort of pain reliever.
I once had both eyes covered and had to go to a specialist ($$$) who used a cocktail of 15 different drops in my eye because I waited til the next day to get to the doctor. It quickly moved from one eye to the other. Both corneas were scratched and I was “down for the count” for days being blind with both eyes covered.
You HAVE to get to a doctor... to get a simple prescription drops that have an antibiotic in them.
Best wishes…