Hi T.,
I wanted to share with you that I have an in home day care. I used to live in Allen, but we decided we needed more room for the day care. So we moved to McKinney at McKinney Ranch and Ridge Rd. I'm not sure if you know that area, but it is about a mile north of 121 and east of Alma. I takes me about 10 mins to get from my house to AHS. I have an opening starting in June if you needed any summer care if you have workshops to go to or what ever. If you would like to reserve that spot for the fall school year we can talk about a down payment or something. I have a daughter that just turned 2 in March and I keep a little boy that is 17mo, boy-14mo, girl-8mo. We would love to have your little girl join us.
I am CPR and first aid certified and listed with the state to provide child care in my home. You would be amazed how many women do it with out telling the state. If this sound like something you are interested in please email me or call and we can get together and go over any questions you may have.
Thank you