I am a constant flyer ... here is the skinny on make up/beauty
the package that it comes in is what counts not how full it is or is not ... does not mean it has to be in the ORIGINAL package. Put your face cream in a smaller jar that you purchase from the "travel" section at wal mart or target.
Lip gloss, mascara, chapstick, foundation, primer, cream shadow ALL COUNT!
I put those items in the baggy and keep the baggy in my purse for easy access to pull out when you go thru security. Shoes keep it to no lace no metal slip on tennis shoes (pay less maybe 15-20 bucks) best way to travel. Oh and I wear the same outfit home that I wear out and I pick the bulkiest outfit for the flight so I can fit more in my carry on bag. Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash put them all in the "travel containers" if you HAVE to bring them.