AHG Never Heard of It Before

Updated on March 24, 2013
L.M. asks from Conneaut, OH
5 answers

I"ve had my DD in GS for 2 years and just found out that my neice who is a year older than my dd has joined this American Heritage Girls group in her town. I've tried to ask a little bit about it since I had never heard of it, but I keep getting this strong vibe that Sil feels it is a "superior" group to Girl scouts. Ex my DD asked her uncle if he wanted to buy GS cookies from her and he did this lecture thing about empowring girls without them "pushing" cookies on stsrangers, WTH? This was before i even knew Neice Nellie was in this group.
SIl also made a comment about DD having fun with her "little activities" implying that the scouting events my dd had done weren't meaningful, It was a very odd comment, and i won't try to quote her word for word but hat was the gist of it.

so I did research it a bit, but now I would like the real mom's experience. Other than being more Christian based how do the groups compare??? and if your DD is in it what do you like about it? is this a widely known group??

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So What Happened?

Thanks. You know usually sil does "share her wisdom" so I guess that was another reason I was wondering what was up.
Yup dd enjoys gs and because I volunteered to lead I have some control over what happens. At the meetings,I select the meaningful activities with an eye towards the girls interests and areas they can grow in. And we only ever sell cookies to relatives. Not booth outside of walmart for us. I. We'll see how long nellie sticks with it.

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answers from Los Angeles on

It's a Christ-centered character development program dedicated to the mission of building young women of integrity through service to God that has only been around since the mid-90's, it began right there in Ohio. It's kind of like apples and oranges, you really can't compare them. If you're happy and content with your daughter in GS, that's all that matters. You're free to choose what your daughter is involved in, as are your niece's parents. I wouldn't be concerned what they think.

AHG focuses on a Christian environment to teach girls and help them to grow, basically God is first and foremost in everything they do. They generally include all age groups in one group to teach the girls to work together, so it might not work for parents of a 5 or 6 year old to have their daughter be in the same group as a middle or high schooler, but it has the advantage to families of allowing sisters to participate in the same group. They focus on good citizenship through service, and must do a minimum of 3 community service projects a year. Perhaps that's what your brother or BIL meant about the cookies, that they should give the cookies away rather than sell them, I don't know.

I will say, having been a Girl Scout for many years and loving it, the past 3 years I've been accosted by tween girls trying to sell cookies in front of supermarkets, who tried to guilt me into buying their cookies, while a mom stood by and allowed it. Different stores, different moms and daughters. I've said something to the moms in prior years, who basically turned their back on me or tried to argue with me, so I get where the girls got it. When it happened a few times this year I ignored the girls, while the moms looked on wild-eyed as I didn't respond, as if to say, "How dare you!" I've found the copycat recipes for all the cookies and have blogged about and pinned them all, I won't ever buy them again. And this is coming from someone who used to fill a freezer with them to have year-round.

Girl Scouts is way different than it was when I was a child and teen. My leader wouldn't have allowed or encouraged us to behave as some now do, she kept our troop service-based, I had her the entire time I was a Brownie to a scout in HS. My daughter didn't want to participate in GS because of how some of the girls acted and I didn't force her. I wish we'd had AHG to at least try.

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answers from Salinas on

I have a feeling your sil will always make 'little' comments to you and everything Nellie does is better. If she really cared and feels it has more opportunities she should have told you about it so you could see if it is a good fit for your daughter.

Maybe sil needs to take classes from AHG to be more Christ like.

My daughter is too young, but i was thinking 'oh, sh** if i sign her up for GS we're going to have to push cookies." it could be the reason i do not sign her up.

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answers from Washington DC on

uncle jerk might have behaved in a 'superior' fashion by sharing his crappy cookie comments with you, rather than with his niece.
never heard of AHG but now i dislike them.

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answers from Hartford on

The Lutheran church in our town doesn't participate in Girl Scouts. Well, they do but they're not really part of the Girl Scout Council. They set themselves apart and refuse to participate in the town-wide and state-wide scouting events. It's sad, really, because then they complain that they're never invited or included in anything.

But what's odd is that they tried doing AHG for a while and the little girls hated it so the church stopped doing it and went back to Girl Scouts. :-)

My daughters love GS. I grew up as a GS and still register today. There are endless opportunities with them. I credit GS with my love of community service and my need to help people. It's not really a shocker that my career is as an advocate and employment specialist for people with special needs and disabilities.

At a cookie booth yesterday we sold cookies to former GS's who told us that they were in college for Social Services and another for getting a doctorate because their service projects in GS led them to it. Every friend I've ever known who was a GS has chosen fields in public service and leadership. It's all about building confidence, leadership skills, and recognizing how important community is. The girls learn about how much they can do as a group and as individuals, affecting their communities in a positive way, in a big way.

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answers from San Diego on

I Don't know anything and have never heard of AHG and my girls are not in GS but I just had to say that I LOVE the comment made by Suz T. Had to send a flower on that one.

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