Age Spot Creme??? Any One That Works?

Updated on May 17, 2010
J.M. asks from Gilbert, AZ
6 answers

Well ladies this is for my mother. She suffers from age spots and is looking for a good creme to lighten them up a little bit. If anyone knows a good creme I can buy her let me know.

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answers from Lincoln on

Go to Swanson Health and try two things: Clear Complexion Creme and Reviva Labs Brown Spot Night Cream.

I've been ordering all my health & beauty items through Swanson. Plus, within a year if you're not satisfied, return the item with detailed reason why and they'll refund your money & postage (make sure you keep receipt of both and send them a copy -- it'll take a while for the refund, but at least you get it). I have the Clear Complexion Creme and I noticed a difference after two weeks. I have acne so I use the Creme in conjunction w/my Tea Tree Oil cleanser (get rid of acne scars, then cleanse). Which works well, my skin is clearer and healthier.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi J M~ I am a consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics. We have TimeWise skincare products that do work together to help with the darker sun/age spots.
One product specifically, is the Even Complexion Essence. If she does not currently have a consultant, I am happy to consult with your mom and/or if she would like to view the product on my personal website, it is
Thank you.



answers from Flagstaff on

Bio-Oil...You can get it Walgreens. Great for age spots, scars, stretch marks. My daughter uses it on her stretch marks and they have almost disappeared!



answers from Phoenix on

I, too, have dealt with this issue. I tried the Mary Kay product and it did not work for me. I went to the dermatologist and had them frozen off, like they do with pre-cancerous spots. It looks ugly for about a week, but then they are gone. I will continue to do this as needed. No scarring. Tell her to use a moisturizer with sunscreen (I do use the Mary Kay Timewise product) and avoid sun exposure as much as possible.



answers from Roanoke on

I have heard that the new Clinique treatment works really well.



answers from Phoenix on

Arbonne amazing. It works great! It takes time as it did for them to form but it helps prevent new spots from coming too. My mom has been using it too and amazed at the results on her hands. They have a 45 day money back if she is not happy with the results in 45 days she returns it! NO questions asked:)
IF you want more info you can contact are so sweet for reaching our for her.
talk soon,

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