You are right, he does have to help out a lot more around the house. I started my DD w/ allowance this year, and she is in kindergarten. 25 cents a day=$1.75/wk., given at the beginning of the week, in quarters. At 6 years old, it seems like a lot of $$$. For that I expect her to pick up after herself (socks & clothes in the appropriate hampers), hang up her backpack, clean up toys/games, etc. and anything else I think she could handle, w/in reason. If she forgets anything (I am still reminding her, when I feel like it), I ask for 25-50 cents back to really get her to understand that this allowance is not just money for nothing. As she moves up in the school years, I will be adding responsibilities and compensation. My neighbors have girls under age 10, and they are responsible for taking out the trash from the house, AND to the curb 2x a week, incl. the recycling (making sure it's all flattened, etc.), bringing in the cans afterward, plus who knows what. So I'm sure your son is capable of that and whatever else you want him to do. Best of luck!