Oh man...you guys are in for a heck of a struggle. My brother and his wife went through this too. He married someone from Canada, and they ended up having to hire an imigration attorney in Minnesota, to work with on a constant basis. They started the process well before they were even married. They had an attorney in Canada on retainer so that when they traveled back and forth from Canada to the US, the attorney in Canada would help her get back into the US because the US would not let her back into the states. Border patrol was refusing her. The attorney really helps keep things clear. The INS department makes you jump through hoops and would tell her, "Fill this form out and send it in to get your traveling permit." So she would, and they would issue the permit...then, upon re-entry into the US, the border police would tell her that it wasn't the right form, even though she got it directly from the INS department. It seemed like they got different answers from everyone in the INS department, depending on who they talked to, everyone gave them different answers and different forms, claiming that they were for the same thing. The US INS department is a mess and no one that works there really knows what's going on there. An attorney will cost you alot, but the they will help keep things straight and they will understand the imigration laws and will be able to interperite the paperwork that the U.S. INS will give you. You will still have to jump through hoops in paperwork, and to prove that they are in-love. The US INS thinks everyone is a terrist, and if you're marrying someone not of this country, you must be one too. It's a terrible process. You're attorney will be your liasion for dealing with the US INS. My brother and his wife are still going through it and it's been over 2 years. Good luck.
And, about the money, I would open a credit card quickly...the ones you get offered in the mail. They are high interest, but...at least he will have his visa.