Advice on Vaginal Itching

Updated on June 29, 2009
D.S. asks from Suwanee, GA
10 answers

My granddaughter (3 yrs) has been complaining of vaginal itching. She is in the pool all summer, and I'm sure that contributes to the condition. Is there any OTC medication that works well. We have eliminated all bubble bath and perfumed shampoo.
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answers from Savannah on

My daughter gets like this from time to time too and I just put some vaginal yest cream on the area once or twice a day depending on how red she is. It is normally cleared up in a few days. In the mean time, I suggest she stays out of the pool till it is gone and then not letting her run around in a wet bathing suit (or swim diaper if she wears one) for long periods.

Good luck!

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answers from Atlanta on

firts I will take her to the doctor to see if there is something else As soon as she is finish swiming take her bath suit off and put on some dry underwear Good luck

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answers from Atlanta on

Adding some oral proibotics from your local natural food store /supplment store would be very helpful just as it is with us (i.e. yogurt). The supplements have quite a bit more than yogurt and tend to help balence the yeast levels a bit more effectively. J.



answers from Atlanta on

What about laundry detergent and fabric softener? I might use a dye and perfume free detergent and forgo fabric softener until the matter is resolved. What about asking around at work? It might be a good idea to take her to her pediatrician -- just to make sure there's no yeast imbalance as a result of all the chlorine??? Also, I'd want to take her out of her suit as soon as possible after swimming, dry her off, and put her in dry cotton panties.

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answers from Columbia on

D., In my practice I have had success using otc yeast med, like gynezole on the outside then keep the area covered during the hot and swimming season with eucerin - messy stuff but works like a charm!



answers from Macon on

The OB Dr. that delivered my last child was a very good friend of mine and she told me that her daughters spent alot of time in the pool in the summer and got what they called "bathing suit bottom". She said that she just used a small amount of the over the counter Monistat/miconazole type cream to put on them. You might want to ask your pediatrician about it.



answers from Atlanta on

pour a cup or more of hydrogen peroxide in a bath for her.

Also eliminate any fragrance in laundry soaps/softeners - I use Arm & Hammer Free in powder form - most inexpensive but hard to find, ask at Publix.
All cotton underwear - don't let her sit in a nylon wet swimsuit a long time.
Avoid a lot of hot tight clothes, tights and leotard for hours for ex.
give her acidophilus - either in yogurt or get capsules and open them up on applesauce. 3x day
Read up on yeast problems - she will need continuing help if this is the issue.
Avoid lots of sugar, vinegar, white flour/sugar, feed her green and fresh and natural foods.
hope this helps!



answers from Atlanta on

Hi D.,

Warm, wet places tend to exacerbate a yeast issue. You can diagnose it yourself by looking at her tongue. A tongue is supposed to be pink. If it has a white coating on it (commonly known as Thrush in infants) then her little body is eaten up with it and it is showing symptoms everywhere. If her tongue is pink, then you need to look for another issue. The chlorine in the pool is a toxic chemical and can irritate a tender area quickly.

Yeast is extremely common these days. If it is yeast, you need to remove all the sugars from her diet including pastas, white breads and white potatoes and put her on a probiotic/prebiotic. It will take months to clear up a ongoing problem with yeast because it grows when it is fed and it is terribly hard to avoid the sugars that feed it.

Hope I helped...




answers from Atlanta on

I agree about taking her off sugar and breads, etc. Yeast loves that stuff. Another thing I would consider is cow's milk...I had one that reacted that way to it!

What I would do is take probiotics and get a good coconut oil at your local health food store and rub it on the area a few times a day.



answers from Atlanta on

My suggestions would be making sure she is wearing cotton underwear and loose fitting clothes. I would also try a probiotic and cut excess sugar as that will feed yeast. White / refined flours can also be a culprit.

Good Luck,


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