I would never pierce a baby's ears in the first place as that should be the child's decision but since the deed is done, one thing to consider is the fact that while they may've looked "centered" at the time the deed was done, the body is still growing & I've seen time & time again where young girls' earrings are offset or even WAY off center b/c they were babies when pierced & all children grow, including their ear lobes so of course they're going to be off center, look how tiny their lobes are in the first place. While I completely protest & disagree w/piercing babies ears, all feelings aside, I would advise to take them out, let the holes close up then re-do it later on if she wants it, say like when she's 7 & can get them centered better b/c the ear lobes will be larger & a more normal size for that & she will be old enough to make an informed decision for herself regarding that as well as being old enough to understand how to take care of them. While I know it was a personal decision on your part, that may not be something your child wanted so I'd let it close up if your worried. It can always be re-done later, better. It's better than being lopsided & worried that she'll pull at it as babies often do.