Hello! I have two girls, 3 and 1.5, and we’ve both driven and flown to Texas…you can do it! I’m not sure if you’re traveling alone, but here’s what I’ve learned:
Do not get on the plane early…the less time you are trapped in that little seat the better. Absolutely be the last person to board! Hold them off and eat on the plane. Slow eating/snacking is a great activity for the whole flight. If they have ever been car sick, check with your Pediatrician for dosage and give them Dramamine! I ended up putting my two month old on the seat her sister should have been in because the older one had thrown up chicken nuggets all over and needed some love from Mommy. Never again. Usually a bottle/juice/water worked on the way up for helping them pressurize their ears, but the descent is much slower and the drinks never lasted long enough…grab a couple of small/medium suckers for the descent if the child won’t drink. They are GREAT for any other kind of “I am trapped and you need to sit still” kind of emergencies too. It takes them forever to finish the thing and their teeth are not usually strong enough to take bites. I prefer the “plastic” sticks vs. the cardboard ones because they don’t get sopping wet and break off in the child’s mouth. If that happens, just throw it out and give them another one. At that age, they usually let me hold the sucker, so I was able to monitor it very closely. They are messy, but nothing a few wipes can’t fix after the whole thing is over.
My girls loved to take their shoes off at that age, which is fine if they have SOCKS on. Inevitably they will want to stand up in the seat and I was mortified to see my little one’s feet afterwards. I can’t even think how dirty a plane floor can be. Socks but no shoes worked fine for me as they loved to climb/stand on my lap and those shoes can start to hurt after a while. Which leads me to…wear Capri pants, not shorts, not a skort, and not a skirt. Bring a back up shirt in your diaper bag for yourself because you are likely to be as dirty or more than the child. Where slip on shoes…getting your shoes on/off and the child’s on/off in security will be tricky enough without having to tie laces.
Books and finger play were the best distracters for me. Brush up on the itsy bitsy spider, little bunny foo foo, five little mice, etc. A NEW toy is also helpful to keeping interest. Keys, cell phones, wallet…all those things you might not normally let her play with and will already be carrying can be one-time exceptions while traveling. Peek a boo over the seat is usually not too bothersome for the person behind you.
Not sure if you’re still nursing or if your little one insists on warm milk, but you can’t take any liquid through security, so just buy bottled water on the other side BEFORE you get on the plane. Don’t chance that he flight attendants will have time to get you anything. I was able to get “hot” water at a restaurant like TGI Fridays…I just asked the bartender to fill up my bottles with 6oz. and then I added cold water from my water bottle to even out the temperature before adding formula.
I was super lucky not to have to mess with car seats…it is certainly worth reaching out to friends, having them reach out to their play groups, etc. so that you don’t have to travel with one. The one time we did travel with one, it got lost when we checked it at the gate and the car rental place/airline lent us one. It may not have been a Britax, but it was just fine for those few days. The same goes for a packnplay. Anything you can borrow from someone at your destination is worth the effort of reaching out and asking for.
I think successfully traveling with kids is more reliant on your attitude than anything else. If you’re flexible, patient, and look at the whole experience as a big adventure, you’ll be fine. If you’re stressed, everyone loses. Things will go awry, things will be messy, at WORST, you can remind yourself that you will never see these people again.
Hope I haven’t come across too bossy…I just didn’t want to mince words!
Good luck!