What time does your youngest start school?
Everyone will just HAVE TO wake up earlier, and per the timing of when the earliest school start time is.
Everyone will just have to wake up, earlier.
You all can't be tardy to school everyday.
So, start the kids with going to bed, at a regular earlier time, before summer ends and before school starts. So it is not so abrupt of a change.
And plus, consider when you have to LEAVE the house, and per traffic and the school rush of traffic once schools start school. It is about timing.
Just feed your kids in the morning what they WILL eat.
You could have a hotel quality breakfast in the morning all hand made, but if a kid will NOT eat it, they won't eat. In the morning. So, make what your kids WILL eat. And which won't take 1/2 hour to eat.
It is about timing.
And have it all prepped the night before if you can. And all their homelunches too. YOU will need to wake up earlier than everyone else, to make everything and get everything ready in the morning.
And get things in the car, before you all leave.
Everyone will just HAVE to, wake up earlier and do all the morning routines, earlier.
And hopefully, probably, there will also be other kids at campus that early too. Per your oldest child's school start time.
So your child, needs to know where to wait, and be safe, and be in front of her classroom etc. Sure the classroom won't be open yet at that time before 7:00am. And there is no one supervising the early arrivals.
And the most important thing is:
You TELL YOUR KIDS, about the new school routine and timing and getting ready. So that you are all on the same page.
And that YES, they HAVE TO wake up earlier in the morning, now.
In my home, I wake up before 6:00am.
Then my kids wake up shortly after.
By then, I am already having things ready, breakfast etc.
And then they get ready.
And leave the house on time.