My older son is just over a month shy of turning 3 and is just starting to not nap every day. He still has "quiet time". He plays with his couple little cars he chooses to bring up with him while in bed and if after 45 minutes to an hour, if he's still awake, I go to him and we come downstairs. If he falls asleep in that time, he naps. Doing that has helped him not to have the meltdowns in the evening and he still sleeps his 12 hour nights. That's what works for us for now. Anything quiet your daughter really enjoys that she could play quietly alone with for a quiet time? That at least helps them to not get too overstimulated from the day. Quiet times I know often last through kindergarteners. It at least gives everybody a little break/alone time to regroup for the afternoon. :) I don't know if that helps at all, but that's kinda what's working for us.