My daughter, who is now 21 years old, had the same issues when she was 9 years old. The fact is, she was bored in school. She was also very physical - she like to climb trees, play football, run, jump rope, etc., and sitting in a classroom for hours at a time doing work that was not stimulating to her was extremely difficult for her. She was extremely bright and capable, but very unhappy.
To make a long story short, after much research and discussion on the subject, we decided to pull her out of school and homeschool her. I saw an immediate change in her - she was back to her happy, high-energy self in no time and having her home gave us an opportunity to create a way for her to learn while still having fun. She had school work that she had to do, but she could get up, move around, go play for awhile if she wanted to before getting back to her work. She could eat, sleep and pee when she wanted to and was not bound to someone telling her what she needed to do and when she needed to do it. Being a free-spirit from the moment of birth, this lifestyle allowed her the freedom she needed while still giving her the opportunity to learn in a more stimulating environment.
When you consider that classrooms today generally have 20-35 students each, you can grasp how impossible it is for any teacher, no matter how gifted and caring they are, to meet the needs of each individual student. Each child is different, has an individual learning style, and completely different needs. Homeschooling allows you to tailor your child's learning experience to their needs. I have three children who have some things in common, but mostly they are individuals who like different things and experience life in very different ways. Homeschooling has allowed me the freedom to provide the best possible learning experiences based on each child's desires, learning styles and choices. The best part of it, for me, has been the opportunity to learn with my children, and spend a lot more time with them than most parents get to spend with their children.
I'm not saying that homeschooling is for everyone. I'm simply suggesting that you might want to check it out as an option. There are many homeschooling websites that you can find by simply googling "homeschooling." You can also narrow the search to include your city name and find a local homeschooling group to connect with homeschoolers in your area that you can speak with personally to gather information.
Since we began homeschooling 12 years ago because of my oldest daughter's difficulties in school, I've homeschooled two of my other children and I've never looked back. It was, without a doubt, the best decision I ever made.