If you are truly concerned about her speech, I suggest that you have her evaluated. Here in GA we have a program called "Babies Can't Wait". They will come out to your home and do a complete assessment of her developmental progress, based on her age. This includes speech, as well as fine motor skills and the the like. If any services are needed, they will provide them for you. As far as I know, it does not cost anything. "Babies Can't Wait" works with children up to age 3, after that you can have the school system send someone out.....even if they are not yet school age. I understand how you feel, because I've been there. After my niece(9 months) and nephew(2 years) were placed with me by DFCS, they were experiencing delays in alot of areas. Even though I was sure they just needed a little "opportunity and exposure", I was afraid of what would happen if I let it go only to later discover it was something they should have been receiving services for. I had a great experience with "Babies Can't Wait" after they came out to evaluate the kids. Turns out that it was due to the neglect, and once they came to live with me they quickly made up for the lost time. Now that my nephew is 4 he receives private speech therapy for a lisp, but is otherwise developmentally on "schedule", if not a little ahead. My point is this: Your daughter is most likely perfectly fine, just taking things at her own pace. By the time she is 3 years old she will probably be talking up a storm, and you'll be amazed at how much and how well she can speak. But if you are concerned, my advice is to listen to your instincts and have her checked out. If it turns out to be nothing, then you'll be relieved and will not spend your time needlessly worrying about her speech and development. If you are unsure about a similar program in your area, contact your local health department. They will be able to give you information about programs in your area, as well as contact information.