my 8 yr old son keeps his room clean, puts his laundry away, takes out all the trash, loads the dishwasher, vacuums, and dusts the furniture, carries the laundry downstairs and sorts it. He has been doing chores since he was about 4 but not quite this many.
the 5 year old should be able to put silverware away--helps them learn to sort, can also learn to load the dishwasher, take out trash, vacuum floors, dust furniture, keep room clean, and put clothes away.
I have a 16 yr old son, 13 year old daughter, and 8 year old son and all 3 of them have done chores since they were little. My oldest is a clean freak and when he was 1 1/2 years old he would put his toys away neatly on the shelves and if I put them in the wrong place-he would go back to the shelf and put it back where he wanted it. He is very neat and organized. The boys share a room and both of them do real well to keep their room clean and organized and are very good to help. They don't have to be told twice to do something when asked.
My daughter--well she is good at cleaning when she wants to and will take everything out of her room to clean it and reorganize it so it will take her hours when we ask her to clean her room because when she cleans, she doesn't have shortcuts and takes her forever to get it done but it does look great when she is done, she just doesn't like to do the daily tidying up to keep whatever she organized and cleaned to look that way all the time but when her room gets too cluttered then she will really get it organized. She prefers to do laundry over dishes but usually has to take turns with the boys on those chores.
I think the earlier you get your kids to do some type of chores the easier it is to get them to help out when they are older. We usually type out a chore list each day and change the chores around so each person doesn't get stuck with the same chore everyday and get burned out on it.
16 yr old... clean a bathroom, do dishes,
13 yr old... clean a bathroom, vacuum upstairs
8 yr old.. vacuum downstairs, carry down laundry and sort it,
next day
16 yr old... mow lawn, cook dinner
13 yr old... sweep and mop kitchen floor, carry down laundry and sort it.
8 yr old... dishes, take out trash
Everyone is expected to keep their rooms clean and we have a chore chart where they earn money but they do not get paid to clean their rooms, that is their area and is expected to be picked up daily and if I have to clean their rooms then I take money off their chores and they have to pay me to clean their rooms.
We all work together and don't have a big house so it is hard to keep the house decluttered as we all have very busy lives and are not home that often so it takes a lot of teamwork to keep the house clean and laundry done.
daily chores usually are taking laundry downstairs and sorting it as with a family of 5 we have a basket full everyday, taking out trash, washing dishes, cooking dinner on days we don't eat out which the teenagers can cook about everything we can and the 8 yr old loves to help out with cooking but his cooking night is usually when I am cooking and he helps. He can stir hamburger, cook mac and cheese, put veggies in the microwave,use the can opener and open any cans we may need, and easy stuff like that.
All 3 of them can peel potatoes.
Chores is just a way of life and the earlier they learn the easier it is on everyone and will help them in life when they get older and work a job.
I have been washing dishes since I was 5 and we didn't have a dishwasher, helping mow a huge yard since I was 6 or 7 which I loved doing as I preferred the outside chores when I was growing up over doing dishes or laundry and did other chores at a young age as well.
My brothers and I are all hard workers and enjoy helping people and I enjoy serving and being the hostess type person.
My 16 yr old works a job and the managers love him because he always looks for things to do and doesn't have to be told everything to do and keeps himself busy. He also mows a few lawns and does a professional job with trimming and edging, mowing, and blowing the grass off the sidewalks and driveways when he is done.
We don't argue about chores, the kids know it is part of life and just doing a few things a day keeps us from spending hours on our day off to get the house clean so they have learned just doing a little each day doesn't take that long and the house doesn't get that dirty. I will say that our house is very lived in and not spotless but is presentable and not embarrasing if someone just drops by.