Hi C. - There are a lot of moms out there in your shoes, and boy am I one of them. I have been dealing with it for a year now. My son is now 3 and was formally diagnosed with this at 2 yr. 9 mos. Before that, the endless unknown tantrums the loss of speech and the fears for what appeared to be no reason were overwhelming! And as I write this - I have just spent the last 12 hours doing more yelling then playing with my kids because my son has been having a bad day! I will privately email you my direct email and will gladly discuss specifics whenever I can help. But first and foremost know that you are not alone! If you are in EI, try to talk to your therapists about support groups - or respite care. I also found that taking my child to a nutritionist has helped a lot. IT turns out that he was so protein and fat deficient, from his self limiting foods from the sensory issues that his brain was "starving" and making his behavior worse. Also know that after about 3 months in therapy - you will most likely start to see more "regulated" days and more even behavior. I will be in touch.
Hang in there!