I have been through speech therapy with nearly all the hospitals in twin cities. My daughter has a severe speech disability. (Her rehab specialist was adamant about labeling it a disability instead of a delay for insurance reasons- as they tend to place the burden on the school district if its called a delay).
I have to say the the courage center (we go to the Burnsville location)has worked out the best for us. They offer the most well-rounded therapy in my mind- offering homework and ideas to parents etc. They have been a god send. I also have a great home therapy book/program you can work on and would be happy to send you the website info if you are interested. We ordered it from a therapy/toy catalog for special needs children.
Fraser school and St. Davids probably have the best integrated therapy curriculum in the state in my opinion. My daughter went to Fraser there and although its convenient to have them work with them during school hours- I feel that we missed out on some things we could have learned from attending as parents (although I don't think they would have been opposed to us attending.
Again, we love the Courage center, it's facilities and everything it has to offer!
You may also want to look into ASL classes offered through community education. They tend to be very affordable. moreover, you may wish to collaborate with a county social worker- you may be able to have some of this stuff reimbursed.