blue cohash, check at whole foods or other homeopathic places. Don't do it until you are full term!! It really works, used by some to lose a pregnancy. I used it with my second child. I had both mine at home with a midwife. I went into labor for 4 days with the second one. I would labor from 2 am till 7 am and then stop. On the fourth day I bought the blue cohash(sp)and when I went into labor at 2 am on the fifth day I started taking it. I took it every hour until he was born at 4:30 that afternoon. Every time I was late taking it I would stop labor again. We found out later my son was stopping the labor because of a short umbilical cord. Everything came out fine in the end!! Good Luck, but be careful. Homeopathic or not, they are still drugs!