My son,at age 2.5, started showing signs of being ADHD.
The first thing we did was to kept a written record of his behavior.
Then we talked to his pediatrician. He referred us to a child psychiatris.
The psychiatris ordered blood work to be done to make sure is wasn't some kind of illness.
Then she wanted to make sure it wasn't a food allergy. We took him off of milk products for 5 days to see if things got better. Then eggs, wheat, etc.
After trying all of these things with no luck we tried medicine. It is not an easy decision. Many of my family members were opposed to this.
It's been 4 years now and if not for the medicine I can honestly say our family would not have survived.
This behavoir can be a precurser to other psychiatric problems
that are managable if being treated.
I understand. Hope this helps!!
J. B.