Hello Dear,
It sounds like you are as confused as I once was. Right before my son turned 3 years we started experiencing these same outbursts. Yes, 3 years is a little early to diagnose anything, but they wanted to say he was ADHD and possibility Bipolar...BIPOLAR. At 3 years old!
First I should say if his behavior was just a spurt (you said 3 weeks) and then went back to normal, don't listen to them. Children even at 5 years of age are going to have difficulties adjusting to a new setting, especially since you said it started again when he began with the new OT. From what you describe, I personally don't believe it is a behavior issue, as much as it may be an adjustment issue. Plus kids feel our stress. If you tend to act differently around him when you think he is displaying ADHD behavior, he will.
Parents tend to treat their children differently when they think they are ADHD. They mostly will let more slides because they play it off to a disorder instead of thinking of it as typical misbehavior.
How long was he potty trained before he started having the accidents? Was he ever fully trained? If not then don't worry about the accidents and getting him ready for school. If need be you can keep him till he is 6 and have him start a year later if necessary. With him having sensory processing issues it is common for him to have a late development when it comes to bowels and bladder. This is common!! Just because he has accidents doesn't mean he is ADHD, it is all related back to him sensory issues.
Here is a link if you want to read more on it.
It explains a little better about the connection between sensory issues and bowels and bladder accidents. Here is one quote from the page: "unpredictable state of arousal or inability to control arousal level (hyper to lethargic, angry to happy in short periods of time, perhaps without visible cause", and "difficulty with potty training; does not seem to know when he/she has to go (i.e., cannot feel the necessary sensation that the bowel or bladder are full"
These are all related to sensory issues.
Just read up is all I can suggest to you. But above all, don't let them diagnose him as ADHD. If you want to do what I did...go through with all the tests to have him tested. AND EVEN IF THEY DO diagnose him as ADHD, you as the parent have the option to have him medicated or have him helped with natural stimuli. I choose the later and my son attends Whispering Pines Preschool down in Amsterdam, NY 5 days a week, 1/2 days. IT HAS BEEN A GODSEND! He has better attention span, his developmental issues have improved. It’s just been great. WWP specializes with children who have these types of drawbacks, and they know how to work with them to get the best out of our kids.
If you want to know more about WWP or if I can help in any way, you can e-mail me directly at ____@____.com
Hope this helps and best of luck.
M. T