Hi J.,
Adenoid removal may give relief in the short term but by making antibodies, they help a young child's body fight respiratory tract infections.
A quote from http://www.privateintranet.com/healthcontent/AilmentsandD...
"From the time your child is three until around the age of seven, the adenoids grow so that they can give extra protection to the lungs and chest. After about the age of eight, they usually begin to disappear until adolescence when they have usually gone.
You may have grown up in an era when removing the adenoids and tonsils was standard practice and may have undergone one of these procedures yourself. But because doctors now understand more clearly the role of the adenoids in fighting infection, the chances of your child's undergoing an adenoidectomy are much more remote… usually limited to the most severe cases."
I believe that God gave us every body part for a reason and they assist us all through life. I had my tonsils out as a young adult and I am well aware of the differences before and after. I wish I still had them! Children are too young to notice the difference. Unless something is life threatening, I believe we should try to heal our problem areas.
My family has gotten rid of all our allergies and we don't get sick anymore. If you want to talk, let me know.