I got even more confusing information when I took my son to 2 different neurologists(both from the same office). When I asked the first one if my son needed to be tested for ADHD, he said no don't need to test, of course he has it!, but they don't call it that anymore it's just part of a whole executive brain function disorder. The 2nd neurologist said yes lets do testing and wanted to find out what "type" it was. It was a computerized test where my son was supposed to press 1 if he heard or saw 1, but not press the button if he heard or saw 2. The results sounded really bad, but then they explained that half the results were invalid because my son didn't follow the directions or something. Which I guess still means he has ADHD.
For us, the results do not make a difference for school, because my son qualifies for services under autism already. But I wasn't willing to give him the meds until I saw the proof that he really needed it.