Hi C.!!Congrats on your babe!!I had AWEFUL acne all over my back my whole pregnancy,it hurt so bad!!Anyway I went to a dermatoligst,she gave me some antibiotic creams ect...nothing helped!!(i couldnt even wear tank tops,it was sooo bad)(funny tho-it wasnt on my face)so anyway during my 2nd trimester my ob said it was ok to use pro-active,i used the wash and the exfoliating scrub(my hubby had to help),it cleared up some after about a week or so,you should definatly ask your doctor,what i did was i brought in a print out of the product so she could see whats in it!Although it didnt clear all up,it did help alot!!Please check with your OB before you try this tho.If you decide not to use th pro active,i would try not to over stimulate your skin(too much product can cause more break outs,try not to touch your face either!!I know its hard but as you know oils and germs live on your hands ect..)Well I hope you get this cleared up,I know its so frustrating!!Good Luck,let me know if you find another soulution!!