Here is what helped my skin (I did it for diet reasons for weight gain and energy loss, but amazingly, my skin became awesome too!). The Fit For Life eating style, in the book by Diamond from the 80's does everything to empower your skin to be clear by nourishing it and removing things that make it freak out.
It's basically eating mostly raw vegetables and fruit (75% of daily intake) with the other 25% being cooked veggies and your healthy proteins and carbs. See book for combos. Lots of water. Lots of sleep. Eat lots of fruit BY ITSELF every day. I eat nothing but fruit from 8am to noon, and YES I GET ENOUGH PROTEIN during rest of day, and no I don't lack energy. I felt horrible and tired when I used to eat protein and carbs for breakfast, but I thought it was supposed to be the right thing to do.... The regular high dose of pure fruit every 24 hrs has made my skin glow I'm convinced because I have always eaten tons of veggies, but never much fruit. Once I added the fruit (NOT JUICE, but real whole fruit, including plenty of avocados) I saw a huge difference. I sweat cleaner, and my skin almost never breaks out and it used to regularly.
So. Diet, exercise, sleep, stay unstressed as possible, and beyond that-perhaps drugs...but no matter what, health from within is necessary even with meds if they are going to work. Good luck, acne stinks!!!