Acne and Wrinkles??

Updated on November 16, 2009
A.B. asks from San Ramon, CA
19 answers

Hi moms,
I am so frustrated lately because, ever since I stopped nursing my daughter (who is now 14 mos) I have been breaking out and I swear my pores have grown! It started when I went down to 3 nursings a day when my daughter was about a year. Over the last two months I haven't had a day when I've had clear skin. I have not changed products, diet, etc., the only thing I can imagine is it is hormonal. I think it is so wrong to be dealing with wrinkles AND acne. Help! I don't want to dry out my skin more than I already have but I can't stand having the skin I had when I was 14. Is there anyone out there who has dealt with skin problems like this and is there anything you've found that has worked?
Please help! Thank you.

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So What Happened?

I had SO many great responses from you fabulous moms out there. Thank you! I did try a few things and not much seemed to help. I went to my doctor (got a new one) and she put me on Septra for my acne and gave me Retin-A for the wrinkles. I'm not noticing a difference in the wrinkles but the acne has gotten MUCH better (it's been about 5 weeks now). I did switch to Aloe Vera at night in place of moisturizer. Thank you for that suggestion! I am also much more diligent about my pillowcases - every 2 nights or so - thank you for that, as well!
You mamas rock.

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answers from San Francisco on


The only thing I can think of is to see an Esthetician or even a Dermatologist. Either one can put you on a home care regimen and provide you with a series of treatments.
I am an esthetician student and have been dealing with skin problems for years but once you learn about these issues, it gives you a handle on how to deal with it.
If you live close to Concord, there is a great Esthi. program that offers services at W Institute of Cosmetology (formerly known as Robinson's). Or contact any well known day spa or maybe even a medical spa for treatments.
Hope this helps and good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

LOL. You're right. It is SO WRONG!! And if you think THAT'S wrong, just wait till you're 52! That's REALLY wrong!

More Answers



answers from Sacramento on

My daughter is turning 4 this week and my post baby acne has progressively gotten worse no matter what I try. They things that dry out my skin help, but only while my face is burning and extremely dry and painful. If I keep trying to use them, I end up looking like I have rosatia, but with less pimples. As soon as I stop using the various prescriptions I have been given, it comes right back...and worse each time!

Sorry I can't help much! I just say go to the dermatologist now and try to find something that works for your skin so that you wont be dealing with this 4 years from now!

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answers from San Francisco on


The acne you are experiencing is likely due to the changes in hormones. When you breast-feed your body's release of hormones is different then when you are no longer breast-feeding. It takes about 6 months to a year for normal hormone levels to return after the trauma of child birth and nursing, so be patient. I know easier said than done, but this is likely the case. I breast-fed both of my daughters for a year and after stopping I noticed significant changes in my body from period chages, getting one after not for several months, hair loss and pimples on my face. I too was concerned about the changes I was experiencing and made a doctor's appointment. My OB/GYN let me know it was normal and to allow my body to return to normal. You mentioned that you exercise almost daily and if your diet is packed full of healthy foods, this will help. Hang in there. If the problem continues or you feel you need to consult with a doctor, make an appointment with your general health doctor or OB/GYN and discuss this. Good luck.
- T.

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answers from San Francisco on

I love proactive and oil of olay. I swear by it. good luck


answers from Sacramento on

I got all sort of funky skin issues with my second baby! I feel your pain! I have great news for you! I have started using Rodan and Fields Dermatology and I love it! I have been using the Reverse and Anti Age line and my sun damage has been reversed (sun spots gone and when I went for a facial the gal couldn't find any sun damage on my face when she viewed my skin with her light!!) I love the product so much that I sell it too!!

Rodan and Fields are the inventors of Pro Active. They sold that line to the current owners and decided to come out with a new line at the request of their patients in their Dermatology practice. One that is affordable.

Well the Doctors have done it again! What they did with Pro Active for Teenage acne they have now done for adults who suffer from adult acne! The regimen is prescription strength without the prescription! When you use all of the steps of the regimen one step builds on the other to build up to a prescription strength product.

Rodan and Fields have come out with 4 face lines: a line called Reverse (repairs and stops sun damage), then there is Sooth (this is great for people with sensitive skin and rosecia. In fact my mother-in-law has suffered from years with the redness and swelling from her rosecia with no help from any dermatological face treatment except laser. Well laser is way too expensive and Sooth has fixed her problem!) There is also Anti Age. I love this product! I have great looking skin and the wrinkles around my eyes are actually going away! Now the line that would help you is called Unblemish. This is so great for adult acne. I have a friend who suffered from adult acne and his face is now clear after using Unblemish!

Please check out my website and see for yourself. On my site you also have access to email our dermatalogical nurses who can help you come up with the best solution for your skin needs! My website is

Good luck and I hope this helps you out!



answers from Sacramento on

Talk to your doctor. You can go two ways, either a mild bc pill or an antibiotic like Mynocycline. I have done both and I prefer the antibiotic. I also have a topical gel called Clydomyicin that I use morning and night. Don't try the over the counter stuff. You will just waste your $$$ and end up going to the doctor anyway. I have also done the Accutane and it worked a little bit but the mood swings that I had with it almost destroyed my marraige. I would rather have bad skin and a good marriage than do that again LOL. Good Luck



answers from Sacramento on

If you work out you may need to wash once a day with an antibacterial soap. I like the cetaphil bar for this. Also use cooler water when you wash your face, it will prevent more bacteria from getting in. Then be sure to wash in the morning with a gentle cleanser. Also, only apply acne treatment stuff once a day and be sure to use a good moisturizer during the day. I have also been thru accutane and don't care to revisit there again either. What I listed above is what they told my daughter to do for her acne and I have changed to doing the same thing.



answers from Sacramento on

Oye. So sorry. Isn't it horrible?! I'm still nursing, so I know I'll be going through this some time next year. Right now, I've found that when I forget to take my multi-vitamin for a few days in a row then I breakout. The prenatal vitamins have been wonderful on my skin. I've also heard two different dermatologists say that Olay is just as good as expensive department store creams. I've been using it for years and love it. They've gotten a little pricey lately with all their new products. I use a cleansing soap in a pump that cleans and exfoliates (gently), their lotion with SPF and an eye cream. Love them all.

Good luck.



answers from San Francisco on

Hi A.
I have had skin problems too, although not severe enough for accutane. Like you, I was breaking out for about a year or so after my son was born and then it finally peaked.
Nowadays I keep it simple... I cleanse my skin with warm water, use IF I have on hand, a SUKI exfoliator (it's all natural with lemon and sugar) pricey.. but I do like it.. again, IF I have on hand.. if I don't, frankly I just use warm water and a washcloth.. I do this more often than not.. then I use PURE aloe vera gel which helps to tighten and tone. I keep it in the fridge. Lastly , I use Dr. Hauschka rose day cream. It is rich so you don't need much. I break out in little whiteheads easily and Hauschka is one of the few creams that although it is rich, it doesn't make me breakout, for that I don't mind paying up.
a little goes a long way.. of all the Hauschka products, it's the best.
Lastly, when I was a kid, someone told me to take zinc supplements for acne, gotta say it did work.. of course, you may want to check with your doc first if you are breastfeeding to make sure it's ok.. but yeah, it did work.. it was my experience that you had to take it for a couple of weeks before seeing results.. and of course like you are already doing.... water water water.. oh and IF you aren't already, change your pillowcase each night.. might be overboard for some, but this way, your facial skin stays as fresh as possible
best of luck



answers from Sacramento on

I sell NOTHING and did not have time to read all of the suggestions but my aesthetician has me put lavender oil (only one you can add directly to the skin) on inflamation.

I personally suggest a hormone specialist. Bio-identical. I would use caution with the ever popular suggestion of BC at age forty (that is the standard OB suggestion.)

Having young chidren in your forties is a quagmire because although still youngish, our bodies are going through nearly as many subtle shifts as our infants and toddlers but their demands typically over ride ours.

The problem is that hormones cross into fatigue, mental stamina and we need a lot of energy to raise these sweet peas.

I would get it all tested, your hormones, vitamin and minerals, amino acids..You will be amazed and do the saliva testing as well as the blood.

I have a regular doctor who is good but missed the thyroid, the vitamin b and d deficiency with standardized testing. The private Nurse Pract. I found through both my regular pharmacist who sent her daughter and my blood lab ladies..has helped me identify deficiencies and imbalances and before disease can hit...

Acne is a sign of inflamation. So is dry. Also, remember to hydrate and not over clean because your oils will think you need more..Omegas never hurts us. .

Ice is good too.

enjoy your sweeties..



answers from Modesto on

Hi A.,I have rosacea.At first nothing worked.Now that I use avon face wash & face cream it helps alot.They have all different products for pores,wrinkles & acnce.If I can help. my e-mail is



answers from San Francisco on

I'm with you, sister - zits and wrinkles. My skin was so lovely during my pregnancy and I am sure that when I wean my DD that it will go crazy - not looking forward to it. I use Aubrey Organics Green Tea cleanser and Clean & Clear Clear Advantage moisturizer with salicylic acid and that seems to do pretty well for me. Neither of these products is overly drying. Benzoyl peroxide products don't do a thing for me. Good luck - and I"ll be very interested to see what other responses you get.


answers from Fresno on

This same EXACT thing happened to me when I stopped nursing my younger daughter! Ugh! I had been on Accutane several years before my older daughter was born, and my skin was absolutely perfect for a couple of years - but wow, after I was done with nursing, my skin became horrible again! I went to the dermatologist and she put me on all kinds of topical stuff, none of which worked and none of which was covered by my insurance anyway. Don't even get me started on insurance companies that won't cover acne meds for adults!!!

Anyhow, the end result is, next month I'm going back on accutane. Now, unlike 10 years ago, Accutane is a big pain in the a__ because now the federal gov't is involved, you have to be signed up in an online "I pledge" program where you have to take online pregnancy prevention fact tests as well as pregnancy tests every month in order to get your prescription filled. The whole thing is condescending and completely invasive, but that's what I'm going to do to get my good skin back. Meanwhile, ProActiv has helped some, but my skin is still on a downward slide anyway.

So, I'm right there with you, have tried everything out there aside from Accutane, and the deal is, if Accutane worked for you the first time, you'll probably have to go back on it at some point. =( Don't worry, I'll be right there with you, with cracked lips and a peeling nose! LOL



answers from Modesto on

Hi A......

I'm sorry you're going through this! It's hard enough adjusting to being a new mom, tand our new body, but then to have to worry about acne and wrinkles!

My son has bad face & back acne going through puberty.....I've tried LOTS of different products both cheap and expensive....they can all dry you out a little bit, but moisturizure can help with that.

Our most successful "clearing" was when we used TOOTHPASTE! Good old-fashioned white paste. I squeezed out about the size of a nickel in my hand rubbed it on his face to create a "thin layer" of paste. We were surprised when we saw that it was pretty transparent....we both thought it would be REALLY white on his face and his little brother would say something ;O) But it wasn't bad at all. After 3 consecutive days his back was completely cleared up! Completely! I was amazed! His face....well...he wasn't that consistent, but it helped :O)

As an adult, I'm sure you will do a better job about consistency, as opposed to my 13yr old son who "forgets" all the time :O)

Try the toothpaste, I think you will be shocked. I've also heard that Honey works too. You just have to put a bandaid over the honey at night because it's sooooo sticky.. I've tried the honey 1 night for myself, and it didn't work as good as the toothpaste does....for me anyway.

I hope this works for you :O)




answers from Sacramento on

Well since you asked I'll tell you what I use and plug my company. I'm not sure if it will help you , but I do know it wont hurt you. In fact you could call the company and see if an expert can talk with you for specific product advice.

I had bad skin as a teen also, did acutane as well. I am 46 now and alas wrinkles are appearing, however, most people think I am 10 years younger than I am. I have to attribute my skin to the products sold by NuSkin international.

I started searching for something for my sensitive, dry, but acne prone skin and found their products to be of the highest quality. They use a lot of aloe, but seriously they are high tech. They have the best products using science and nature to produce high end skin care. Over 100 PHD;s are on staff at this company. Most cosmetic type companies either consult with PHD's or have one or two on staff. They are serious.

Anyway, if you would like to check them out, go to: My distributor number is US###-###-#### if you set up an account. Great company to deal with and I have been using their products for 20 years.
You may also find help with their nutrition products they make under the Pharmanex division.

I would call them at 1-800-487-1000 which is the order line, but ask for help and see if someone can recommend something. I just know the products are super high quality and you can even return things. I dont want to go on and on but there's a special set of products for teen acne, but possibly the 180 system would be good for you because it smooths out your skin. It may seem pricy, but the one kit lasts 6 months or so.

Good luck. and I agree, acne and wrinkles is just not fair! Us mom's really deal with a lot already!



answers from Redding on

Dear A.,
I'm sure it's hormones causing your breakouts. Hopefully, once your body gets itself straightened out after pregnancy, nursing and then not nursing, it will get better.
The more you dry your skin out, the worse it can get, so you definitely want to be gentle. Wash with water that is neither hot nor cold and don't scrub. That will irritate your breakouts. Good old fashioned Witch Hazel is an excellent astringent, very inexpensive, not harsh, and soothing to irritated skin. My friend's daughter had terrible skin and tried absolutely everything including proactive, etc. Nothing worked. I had her buy some witch hazel and her skin started clearing right up. You definitely need to moisturize, but until you get things under control, you need to be really careful with regard to what the moisturizer contains. A little vitamin E rubbed gently on the irritated areas can help with overdrying and keep scarring to a minimum.
I hope you get some good advice and find something that works for you.
Just be very gentle with your skin and don't use anything harsh.

Best wishes!



answers from San Francisco on

Sadly, adult acne is more common than one would think. Jafra makes a wonderful and effect mask called Malibu Miracle Mask. It contains barley flour (absorbs oil), almond meal (removes dry flaky skin), honey (natural moisturizer), peppermint & spearmint (natural & refreshing scent), potassium alginate (kelp, acts as a moisturizing binder) & zinc oxide (draws out impurities and improves the appearance of oily skin). While your condition is most certainly hormonally caused, this product can definitely help without over drying it. This is the favorite product for many of my clients because it works so well.
If you decide to give it a try, let me know.



answers from Sacramento on

I don't think you mentioned it but for me my skin and mood ; ) got better when I went back onto oral birth control pills. I even had to change the way I was taking it (per my doctors advice) now I take it like the pill "Seasonel" (spelling?) - so I only get 4 periods a year. Anyway, maybe your solution could be in one of the new birth control pills. Ask your doctor and research what might work for you.

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