J., a dermatologist gave me the following to do and it helps. I too have suffered from a lot of acne since having my daughter. Stress makes it even worse to try not to stress about it (easier said than done I know). Go to a dollar store and buy liquid children’s Benadryl and liquid Mylanta. Preferably the same flavors. Mix them in equal parts really well (just a small amount will do, I use an old shampoo bottle from a hotel). At night put regular Neosporin on your acne and then at night dab this mixture on. It will help as crazy as it sounds. I actually do the opposite though, I put the mixture on at night and the Neosporin on during the day because I didn't want to get the Neosporin on my pillow. My sister did this right before her wedding because all of the girls in my family suffer from cyst type acne on our chins which hurt like hell and it really helped.
This mixture is also great if you ever get canker sores in your mouth. Just swish it in your mouth a few times a day (that's why I say get the same flavors, I usually can find cherry) and it will numb the pain etc. I hope this helps!