I went through the same thing. I ended up asking for a referral to a gastroenterologist (ST. Joseph's - Dr. Winesette) and she's now on Prilosec (instead of Zantac which didn't do much). It's not a cure, but it helps them be as comfortable as possible with the acid that comes up. Also, just know it gets easier with time. Mine's now almost 6 months old and she had it really, really bad. Sleep gets better. Try to keep her propped up during and after feedings and even during sleep. Once she gets to 4 months old, you will be able to add some rice cereal to her bottles and start her on some spoon cereal and veggies/fruits to help keep things down. Hang in there!! She'll outgrow it eventually - that's what I keep telling myself... And again, just cuddle her and try to comfort her. Best wishes for you & baby!!