Well from my own experience...I left home as soon as i turned 18 years old, my parents knew of this and well ...couldn't really tell me no, cause as we all know at 18, you could. i guess my answer to you would be is to prepare her. Teach her and let her know that any thing is possible even at a young age but lots of responsibility and growth! Teach her how to save money, budget, be a good worker and make long term goals. Let her know that the world is not nice but if she is strong willed she can detour the evil temptations teenagers face with peer pressure. I grew and learned how to open a bank account, establish credit with my first car( my uncle being a co-signer) and apartment( with a reliable roommate taking a backround check with her family). Doing all this will prepare her and let her know of the responsibility shes going to deal with even before moving out. By the time you know it she'll be eighteen and ready! good luck...look me up on face book L. R., hair perfection being the occupation, let me know if you have anymore questions.